西咸新区泾河新城泾河生态环境综合治理项目 概念性方案设计国际竞赛公告

2019-03-01 来源:


Entrusted by Xixian New District Jinghe New City Development and Construction (Group) Co., Ltd. of Shaanxi Province,  Northwest (Shaanxi) International Tendering Co., Ltd. is to organize an international competition for the conceptual plan design of the comprehensive eco-environmental control project of the Jinghe River, Jinghe New City, Xixian New Area. The relevant matters concerning the competition collection are announced as follows:


I. Project Background


Jinghe New City, one of the five groups of Xixian New Area, the national new area, was established in July 2011 with a planning area of 146 square kilometers. Within its jurisdiction, there is Chongwen Pagoda, the highest brick pagoda in China and the geodetic origin of the People’s Republic of China. With “the core aggregation area of the north stretching strategy of Greater Xi’an” as the development positioning, Jinghe New City puts forward the development idea of “making the optimal eco-environment, introducing the greatest number of outstanding talents, and gathering the strongest high-end industry”. By making the most use of the Jinghe River and Zhengguo Canal, the two advantageous resources within the area, Jinghe New City will give full play to the “water” and strive to build a modern new city with mountain, water and smart Jinghe River.


In order to speed up the construction of the water system of Jinghe New City, build the Jinghe River into a city card with beautiful ecological environment, clear water and green banks, complete function and cultural features, Jinghe New City intends to organize an international competition for collecting the conceptual plan design for the comprehensive eco-environmental control project of the Jinghe River with the purpose of creating an international-standard ecological water system corridor with high standards and high quality, and comprehensively enhancing the livable environment of Jinghe New City.


II. Project Overview


The Jinghe River is the most important water system in Jinghe New City, 17.5 kilometers of which runs through Jinghe New City starting from Xiushidu Bridge at 1km of the upper reaches to Xiantong railway bridge of the Jinghe River. It is planned to invest RMB6.00 billion in this project. In accordance with the guiding ideology of “clear water, smooth, natural, highlights”, with the goal of river management and environmental protection, focusing on ecological revetment and landscape greening, and in combination with the historical and cultural characteristics of the Jinghe River, the project aims to restore, protect and enhance the existing ecological environment, create a sustainable urban waterfront space, and provide the public with a clear water, green banks, energetic and orderly hydrophilic environment.


III. Contents of the Competition


The conceptual plan design competition mainly includes:


(I) Design scope


The design scope of the Comprehensive Eco-environmental Control Project of the Jinghe River is 800m within the flood protection dyke and the area from the flood protection dyke extending outward to the First Municipal Road, with the design focus on the section from Chama Avenue to Zhengyang Avenue.


(II) Overall requirements


The design concept should conform to the development orientation of Jinghe New City and reflect the general idea of the mountain, water and smart Jinghe River. In accordance with the principle of unified design and phased implementation, the contests should formulate a phased plan to clarify the areas and contents of the near, medium and long steps.


(III) Design contents


The design should include flood control works, surface engineering, wetland landscape greening projects in flood protection dyke, landscape greening projects outside the flood protection dike, and related municipal works.


IV. Organization Mode


(I)  Form of competition activities


1. The announcement is open to the public at home and abroad and adopts the form of open entry. From the date of releasing the announcement, the entry by design units within and outside the People’s Republic of China will be accepted.


2.  The organizer of the competition will review the qualifications of the applicants for the design competition, including their comprehensive performances, qualifications and performances of the responsible person, the ability of the design team and other related information, and finally select 5 design institutions or consortium to participate in the competition and send out the formal invitation and collection documents. The design institutions that are not shortlisted shall not be subject to notice.


3. The design institutions that receive the formal invitation should fax or mail the confirmation letter to the agency within 3 days after receiving the invitation and mail the paper confirmation letter to the agency at a later time.


4. Each design institution that has been formally invited shall complete and submit a plan within the specified time. Any proposal submitted by a design institution that has not been formally invited shall not be accepted.


(II) Awards


After passing the participating institutions that have passed the qualification review have submitted their design results that meet the requirements of this collection activity in accordance with the provisions shall receive the corresponding rewards according to the awards they have acquired.


First prize (one winner)  RMB1.5 million;


Second prize (two winners) RMB400,000 each;


Third prize (two winners) RMB200,000 each.


V. Intellectual Property Right


All the rights of authorship of the design results of the participating institutions shall belong to the participating institutions, but all the design results of the participating institutions will not be returned to the participating institutions after the selection. The sponsor has the right to use the reasonable elements of all submitted design results free of charge, including release of the selection results after the selection, and introduce, display and evaluate the design results through the media, professional magazines, professional books or other forms.


VI. Basic Requirements for Participating Institutions


(I) The participating institutions must be legally registered companies or other organizations with independent legal personality.


(II) Potential participating institutions within the territory of the People’s Republic of China shall have the Grade A qualification for engineering design issued by the competent construction department of the People’s Republic of China or Grade A qualification for water conservancy industry or Grade A qualification for landscape architecture. Potential participating units outside the People's Republic of China must have presided over the design of similar projects in the past five years (after January 1, 2014).


(III) This competition accepts the registration of a consortium. Members of the consortium must meet the above requirements and must submit the Consortium Agreement and identify the lead unit of the consortium in the agreement. Members of the consortium may no longer register separately in their own name, nor may they form a new consortium or join other consortia, otherwise the registration will be invalid.


(IV) Credibility requirements: The participating institutions must have a good social reputation and are not in the state of being ordered to suspend business, property being taken over, frozen, bankrupt or reorganized.


VII. Method of Qualification Review


Subject to number limit


VIII. Registration and Distribution of Qualification Review Documents


(I) Registration time: 9:00-12:00 in the morning and 14:00-17:00 in the afternoon, March 1-10, 2019 (Beijing Time, the same below)


(II) Registration place: Northwest (Shaanxi) International Tendering Co., Ltd. (Rm. 1105, Growth Edifice, No. 58 West Section of South Second Ring Road, Xi’an, the southwest corner of the crossing of South Second Ring and Zhuque Road). Online entry is acceptable.


(III)  The entrant must hold a letter of introduction and identity card when signing up.


(IV)  Distribution of qualification documents: Time and place are the same as those of registration.

资格预审文件每份售价 500 元整,售后不退。

The qualification documents are sold at 500 yuan each, and shall not be refundable.


Understanding and consultation of the qualification documents: Second Bidding Department, Northwest (Shaanxi) International Tendering Co., Ltd. (Rm. 1105, F11, Growth Edifice, No. 58 West Section of South Second Ring Road).


Contact: Qu Hongxiang, Yang Dongfeng


Tel: 02989651839, 029-85222242


Fax: 029-85222242


(V) Method of online registration:


1.  Entrants purchase the qualification documents through online transfer:


Account name: Northwest (Shaanxi) International Tendering Co., Ltd.


Account No.: 611301151018010003843


Bank of deposit: Band of Communications Chang’an University Branch


2. The entrants shall send the payment voucher, unit invoice information and registration materials (copy of letter of introduction, ID card, transfer voucher and invoice information) to the e-mail: 986471993@qq.com.

3、网络报名联系人:渠红祥、杨东峰 1862964031818629058987

3. Contact for online registration: Qu Hongxiang, Yang Dongfeng, 18629640318, 18629058987


4. After the agent confirms the receipt, the online registration ends and the agent will send the invoice and qualification review documents to the entrants.


IX.  Supplementary Provisions


(I) The correspondence, documents and design results involved in this competition shall be in simplified Chinese.


(II) The remuneration is paid in RMB and the remuneration is the pre-tax amount. The tax arising from the remuneration obtained by the design institutions and all the expenses incurred during the collection activities shall be borne by the design institutions on their own.


(III) The competition organizer shall have the final right to interpret the announcement of this competition.
